
"Romeo and His Butterfly Lover" Thoughts [1]

When the drama premiered, I went straight to Weibo and a HK forum to check what people were saying since I couldn't watch it yet. I was shocked that so many people, including Mo's fans, were bashing it. I thought: oh no is it that bad?? That night I watched and really enjoyed it. The fact that it's a fictitious world makes it unpredictable and makes me want to watch on. I've mentioned a million times that I love love love the set designs, costumes, and styling. So much thought and effort went into building this world and all I see everyday is people complaining that they don't get it😓😵. It's about two families in two cities who hate each other and their kids fall in love; the leader of one family is pretending to be a dude and she rekindles the romance with her first love; people in both cities resolve problems with guns. It's just that simple😂. Some of Mo's fans don't like the role he's playing. When I first found out that he was gonna be silly, I was worried as well, but after watching, he's actually not that bad😅. Trust that I will say if he's annoying me hahahahaha😝! There was that one scene he did his signature high note and I went: no sir, that better be the only time. I want to say to those who don't like it, but haven't given up, to continue cos you might just get it later.

On to the cast and pairings. Let's all first praise the producer for casting a perfect balance of old timers and newcomers. For week one, I want to give props to the women who play the prostitutes, especially Fanny Lee who plays Rose. Give the woman bigger roles! They made me laugh too many times. This is Mo and Kalok's second time working together, but this time they have more screentime together and I can definitely feel the chemistry. I loved the scene of them rowing the kayak with the dolphins🚣🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬rofl. And finally Mo and Aimee, they were professional and I didn't detect a hint of love between them😂😂. I can't wait to see their interactions after they discover each other's identity. Aimee just needs to brush up on her Canto and she'll naturally flow better. Again I think her facial expressions were on point. Lastly, I love that each couple gets their own song. I can't wait to hear the full version of "Leung Shan Bak's Waltz".

There's a promotion event today (22nd, HK time). I wonder if Mo can make another surprise appearance.


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