
"Beauty And The Boss" Thoughts [5]

This is me after watching this week's episodes: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

They gave us less than 2.5 eps of the happy couple 😠😠😠. But wow, that was an unexpected twist. I guess that's what Mo meant when he said there would be something different. I hate it 😭😅.

Let me start with the good times. They're just super freakin' adorbs and sweet together. I don't know any other words to describe it lol. Matt always made me giggle every time he tried to get Me to do sexy time. I noticed that since My Ages Apart, writers love giving them "bed scenes." ...Ok, did some quick research and one writer took part in both Ages and Beauty. Don't know if she's the one who wrote the scenes 😂. And you may already know, the same producer created Ages and Death by Zero. I love how Mo and Ali manage to make the scenes funny and sweet and not overly sexual.

Now to the sad bits. Me's expression when she found out that Shum Wai is pregnant with Matt's child 😭. Plus the fact that she wanted to have a baby with Matt 😭😭😭. Why can't my girl be happy?? Please let them get back together as soon as possible next week. I can't stand seeing Me's sad eyes anymore. Can it happen in ep26? 🙏

They kept mentioning Ali's Who Wants A Baby?; I wish Mo and Ali could just film something like that, where they're already a couple from the first ep. Why do writers like making it so complicated for them? Sigh, I don't even know if we'll see them in another drama together. Viewers who are not hardcore fans are probably tired of seeing them as a pair.

I also want to see Mo and Claire Yiu pair up again in another drama. They match well together.

I don't know what to say anymore. I have a love-hate relationship with this week's eps lol. I want to see more of Mo and Ali, but it's ending next week... Ok, I'll be extra emotional and dramatic next week. 🙈👋


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