
"Master of Play" - 「揭開正邪對戰序幕」

Moses attends Master of Play's first promotion event.

Source: Appledaily, Sing Tao Daily, mingpao, Oriental Daily, on.cc, Headline Daily


I haven't posted in so long... I decided to freshen up the blog with a new color scheme. I hope it's not too hard on the eyes.
I'm extremely excited for Master of Play! Now if only Moses has hair hahaha. Although he rarely has nice hairstyles, I think I'd prefer those over bald Mo with silly hats and wigs any day. However, I am happy to see that he's wearing new clothes. Yes!! And are those pecs I see?! Moses, your shirt needs to be a bit tighter haha.
Just 4-5 more days till the premiere of Master!!!! I'm prepared to make screencaps lol.


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